Jan 23, 2019
Tune in to Weekly Witness this week to hear from a faith panel at the Houston Interfaith Advocacy Training event. The panelists will share reflections about the ways their faith calls them to be involved in social justice and advocacy work.
Jan 15, 2019
Weekly Witness featuring Dr. Amanda Brownson from the Texas Association of School Business Officials talking public education and Josh Houston providing a legislative update.
Jan 8, 2019
Weekly Witness featuring a conversation with Scott and Texas Impact Board Members Mel Caraway, Haider Imam, Annaliese Cothron, Asante Todd, Ellen Sable and Arthur Stewart talking about how our faith traditions call us to public policy work.
Jan 4, 2019
Tune in to listen to a set of reflections from a recent Courts and Ports Immersion. Christina Patiño Houle of the Equal Voice Network and the Courts and Ports participants from the First United Methodist Church of Dallas share their thoughts and reflections at the US-Mexico border.